Friday, February 19, 2016

Inside ARC - 2.19.16 - Music Collaboration in Thailand, Changemaker Collection Coffee

Hello jay,

Here at ARC we like to share what is new in our programs around the world. You make our work possible and are an integral part of ARC. We appreciate your questions and feedback, so please feel free to send them our way! If you are new to ARC let us know if these updates are valuable to you and what you would like to hear more about.

Thank you for your continuing support. 


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ Music Collaboration in Dong Yang Camp, Thailand +

Every year we hold a global ideas competition with our staff around the world. We love seeing the inspiring, new ideas that are submitted. This year, we were excited to see one of these ideas come to life in Thailand. Facilitated by ARC and Playing for Change, an organization using music to connect people around the world, this Changemaker idea brought together kids in Dong Yang refugee camp for a two day music workshop including creative, visual arts projects and music lessons. For young kids stuck inside the confines of a refugee camp, the workshop provided a much-needed creative outlet. One participating staff member remarked, "The participants so thoroughly enjoyed the activity and lost track of time while participating because they were so involved." A group from Minneapolis had the chance to travel to Dong Yang to participate in the workshop and production of a music video.

Music Workshop in Dong Yang

+ Dunn Brothers Coffee Launches Changemaker Collection Burundi Coffee +

In partnership with Minneapolis-based Dunn Brothers Coffee, we are excited to announce the launch of the first-ever Changemakers Collection coffee! Sourced from the Kayanza province of Burundi, this coffee is bold with flavor and meaning. A purchase funds breakthrough humanitarian solutions to assist Burundian refugees and 3 million others around the world. This special Changemaker Collection coffee can be purchased at Dunn Brothers stores nationwide or online at

Changemaker Collection Coffee

+ 12 Months, 12 Gifts +

At the beginning of each year, we see an influx of ARC donors deciding to become sustaining monthly donors. Whether it's a New Year's resolution or a desire to better plan charitable giving for the year, more and more people are opting to give one gift, every month. You can sign up anytime throughout the year! If you're interested in signing up as an ARC Monthly Sustainer:

- You can go online to
- Or call Clare at (612) 874-5474 to hear more about monthly giving


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