Thursday, August 27, 2015

Inside ARC - 8.27.15 - Celebrating World Humanitarian Day

Hello jay,

Here is an update on what's new with ARC around the world. We appreciate your questions and feedback, so please feel free to send them our way! 

Thank you for your continuing support. 


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ World Humanitarian Day +

Last week, our staff around the globe celebrated World Humanitarian Day. We continue to remember the challenging environments in which our colleagues work each day. Kapoeta East in South Sudan is such a place – large, remote and lacking in critical health services. That is, until our team partnered with Health Pooled Fund in support of the re-opening and construction of seven health facilities. Providing service to nearly 114,500 people, these facilities are the channel to life saving care that many need. Families no longer have to travel a distance for quality healthcare. Instead, they are able to seek and find such care in their own community. In honor of World Humanitarian Day, our team in South Sudan was recognized for the strides they’ve made in service to the people of Kapoeta. 

ARC teams in South Sudan celebrate World Humanitarian Day ARC teams in South Sudan celebrate World Humanitarian Day 

+ Flour Mills Cooperative in Rwanda  +

For a refugee in Rwanda, food insecurity can mean not having enough food and poor nutrition. But it can also even lead to violence against women. Refugees in the camps receive food rations that often come in the form of raw food which must be ground at a mill outside of the camp in order to be used in cooking. For many, cost and distance from the camp can make this step prohibitive. It can mean that a young girl is returning alone to the camp late at night, or that a man must sell a portion of his food ration to pay for the service of using the mill. In Mugombwa, Kiziba and Mahama refugee camps, ARC’s new Flour Mills Cooperative project seeks to eliminate these challenges by bringing the solution to the refugees. The construction of grinding mills within camp limits has brought greater food security, enhanced nutrition education, protection and income generation.

+ Changemaker Award +

The Changemaker Award celebrates the unlimited potential and amazing insights of our staff around the world. We ask all ARC staff one question: 

In one simple way how would you make the people we serve feel more valued, joyful or powerful?

ARC staff sent in 481 ideas from around the world. Today we’re starting to count down the Top Ten ideas with this idea from Qasir in Pakistan! Qasir, a Program Associate in Pakistan, submitted his idea about gathering young girls with industry leaders to debate why investing in girls is a great idea for every industry. Read more about Qasir’s idea here and stay tuned to see the rest of our Top Ten Changemakers Ideas!

+ Maker's Collection Warehouse Sale +

There is still time to shop the Maker’s Collection Warehouse Sale! As we make way for our 2015 Maker’s Collection to launch on November 14th, enjoy 40-60% off products from the inaugural collection. Only a few of these limited-edition items remain!  100% of the profits advance the work of ARC to find real humanitarian solutions, offering hope across the globe. Shop now through August 31st!


+ Giving +

At the request of readers, I always include these links so they’re easy to find when you need them. Thanks so much.

Become a Monthly Donor : 
Donate Online:
Give Us a Call: (800) 875-7060  

Send in a gift:

American Refugee Committee
Donor Service Center
P.O. Box 1002
Minneapolis, MN 55480-1002

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Inside ARC - 8.14.15 - Justice for Refugees in Nakivale

Hello jay,

Here is an update on what's new with ARC around the world. We appreciate your questions and feedback, so please feel free to send them our way! 

Thank you for your continuing support. 


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ Justice for Refugees +

In Uganda, some survivors of sexual and domestic violence have been waiting months – even up to a year – for justice and some small degree of closure. A huge backlog of cases has prevented these refugee women from having their day in court. And even those who did get a court date often were forced to postpone either because they had no transportation to the city from Nakivale refugee settlement where they live or they had no one to translate for them during proceedings. ARC’s team in Uganda came up with the longshot idea to bring the judges to the survivors, and they rallied to actually make this creative solution a reality. They invited district judges and magistrates to the refugee settlement, and over the course of a 12 day judicial process 80+ cases were heard. This was the first time that any judge had come to Nakivale settlement to provide resolution for both survivors and defendants.

+ Maker's Collection Warehouse Sale +

We are making way for our 2015 Maker’s Collection to launch on November 14th! We are excited to partner with artisans for our second custom-designed collection. If you didn’t get to shop the inaugural collection, here is your chance. Only a few of these limited-edition items remain!  100% of the profits advance the work of ARC to find real humanitarian solutions, offering hope across the globe. Visit our online store through August 31st to shop products 40-60% off. 


+ Giving +

At the request of readers, I always include these links so they’re easy to find when you need them. Thanks so much.

Become a Monthly Donor : 
Donate Online:
Give Us a Call: (800) 875-7060  

Send in a gift:

American Refugee Committee
Donor Service Center
P.O. Box 1002
Minneapolis, MN 55480-1002

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