Monday, January 31, 2011

Will You Help Save Sudanese Clinics?

Dear jay,

11 clinics in the remote Magwi County of southern Sudan will soon close if we do not raise $24,000. So far, we've raised $1,923.18. We need your help to raise the rest.

What happens if the clinics close? About 160,000 people will have no access to basic health care. This will mean the difference between life and death for many people. Can you help? Your gift will go directly to the clinics in Magwi.


(Watch The Video: Rebuilding Health Care in Southern Sudan.)

Magwi County in Southern Sudan is extremely remote. Villages are scattered, and transportation around the region is difficult – sometimes dangerous. Communities are very poor and vulnerable. Malnutrition and outbreaks constantly loom over the people of Magwi.

In these conditions, the 11 health facilities – run by ARC and local Sudanese staff – are absolutely life-saving. Without them, people would simply have no access to medical care. No place for pregnant women to give place to take sick children for medicine...

Unfortunately, that could soon become a reality. We may have to shutter these facilities for the next 6 months if we can't raise $24,000.

You can help keep these clinics stay open! Please consider making a gift online.

Please, let friends and family know about the clinics in Magwi. We need all the help we can get to keep them open.

Thank you so much,



Daniel Wordsworth
President, American Refugee Committee

P.S. If you can make a gift - of any size - it would make a big difference for the people of Magwi County.


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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Haiti Report

Dear jay,

One year ago today, a massive earthquake devastated Haiti, killing 250,000 people leaving more than 1 million people instantly homeless.

As a member of the ARC community, you responded. You made it possible for us to have a relief team on the ground within 48 hours of the quake. Your support allowed us to get lifesaving medical care, medicine, shelter and supplies to survivors. And we’ve been able to continue assisting Haitians the last 12 months only because of your support.

We’ve created this report to introduce you to just a few of the people you have touched and share with you the things we’ve accomplished together. I hope you’ll feel proud of what you made happen. Over the past year, we’ve been able to help more than 83,000 people get the daily essentials and services they need!

Our goal in the coming year is to help Haitians begin living life again, not just surviving day-to-day. With the support of people like you, we know we can help survivors rebuild vibrant communities where they will thrive.

Thank you for all your support! And please check out our report if you have a moment.



Daniel Wordsworth
President, American Refugee Committee

P.S. In memory of the lives lost in Haiti one year ago, bells will ring around the U.S. and in Haiti at 4:53 ET/3:53 CT at city halls, schools and congregations. You can join us in remembrance by ringing your own bell, and you can learn more about "Bells for Haiti" and who's participating.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sound a Bell For Haiti!

Dear jay-

Join us to commemorate the one year anniversary of the Haiti Earthquake and bells will sound across the country!

On January 12, 2010, a massive earthquake devastated the country of Haiti.  One year later, we are asking churches, schools, universities, and city halls to toll their bells in unison on the one-year anniversary of the earthquake—January 12, 2011, at 3:53 PM CST—for 35 seconds, the duration of the Haiti quake. 

35 seconds for 250,000 lives lost, and more than 1.3 million people: mothers, fathers, children and grandparents, who are still struggling to find hope in a sea of despair. 

35 seconds to foster hope among a community of people who care – a community that is committed to standing hand in hand with those who are reclaiming their lives. 

35 seconds to affirm that we are all connected in both our joy and our suffering – that we are stronger together than we are alone.

35 seconds to say we remember, and will not forget.

“Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore... know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”
          - John Donne, Meditation 17, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

Here's how you can participate:

1) Contact your local bell-ringing organization and ask them to participate.
This might be a congregation, city hall, school or university, but feel free to get creative. You may want to contact radio and TV stations! (If you'd like something in-hand, contact Jenna Myrland at and request a "Bells for Haiti" flyer)

2) Spread the word!
Encourage friends and family to reach out to their city halls, congregations, schools and universities.

2) Listen for the Bells!
Beginning at 3:53pm CST on Wednesday, January 12, 2011, listen in your community and hear bells ringing near and far!



Daniel Wordsworth
President, American Refugee Committee

P.S. Find "Bells for Haiti" on Facebook!

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