Thursday, February 19, 2015

Inside ARC - 2.19.15 - Proud, Myanmar, Women's Day

Hi jay,

Here's an update on what's been happening around ARC the last few weeks. If you have any questions, please do contact us.

Thank you for your continuing support. 


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ Race for Women +

International Women’s Day is a global day – each year on March 8 – celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future. American Refugee Committee teams around the world mark the day with a variety of festivities. This International Women’s Day, our team at Nakivale refugee settlement in Uganda has organized a 5k/10k race against violence. 180 people have already signed up to run the race at Nakivale, including 130 refugees who live there. Our team launched the event in order to raise awareness about domestic and sexual violence against women and girls in the settlement and support survivors. In September, they had submitted the idea to ARC’s worldwide staff ideas competition – The Changemaker’s Award. And, although their idea wasn’t selected, the team was determined to make it a reality. Stay tuned for photos from the Nakivale 5k/10k Race and other ARC celebrations of International Women’s Day. 

+ Preparing for the Return to Myanmar +

With reforms happening in Myanmar, refugees who had fled the country to Thailand or elsewhere are considering returning home. A key concern of would-be returnees is whether they will be able to support themselves and their families when they go back. Under pilot project funding from UNHCR, ARC is already working to build livelihoods and smooth the transition for a small population of spontaneously returned people in Mon State in Myanmar.

Last week, ARC representatives were in Yangon and Bangkok to meet with UNHCR and US Government partners to discuss durable solutions for when hundreds of thousands of refugees and displaced people begin to repatriate to their villages in Myanmar. With more than 100,000 Myanmarese refugees living in camps in Thailand, a repatriation strategy that ensures the safety, dignity and well-being of both the affected communities and returning populations is absolutely critical. 

+ What We're Proud Of +

I recently asked our staff around the world what accomplishment they’re most proud of in the last 12 months. I wasn’t surprised to hear that our teams are very proud of all the work they’re doing. Below is one of the statements I received from Heather Buesseler – ARC Global Health Technical Advisor:  

"I am so proud of our health team in South Sudan. Despite political conflict, a cholera epidemic, seasonal flooding, difficult terrain, and lack of basic infrastructure like electricity and running water, they just keep trucking. In this photo, our supply chain team in Kajo Keji is transporting vaccines over a river using an improvised raft! This level of dedication makes my heart swell, and inspires me to put my level best into everything that I do."


Check out more statements from our staff about what they’re proud of at: 

+ Giving +

At the request of readers, I always include these links so they’re easy to find when you need them. Thanks so much.

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American Refugee Committee
Donor Service Center
P.O. Box 1002
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