Thursday, December 12, 2013

Inside ARC - 12.12.13 - Typhoon, Match, Myanmar

Hi jay,

Here's an update from ARC. Let us know if you have any questions.


Daniel Wordsworth, President


*Double Your Impact!*  

Three former ARC board members have issued a matching challenge – They will match all donations  made by December 22, up to $35,000! A gift of $50 will become $100, $250 becomes $500. That’s twice as many people – in the Philippines, Congo, Myanmar and elsewhere – who can stay healthy, access shelter and have safe water to drink.

If you’ve already made a gift this year, will you let a friend know about the challenge? If you haven’t given yet, this is the best time to give! Donate now here:

*ARC in Myanmar*

ARC has now opened a program in Myanmar! Beginning in early 2014, we will be working to address drug-resistant malaria in Mon and Kayin States and Tanintharyi region in Southeast Myanmar. Our team will be collaborating closely with ethnic Karen and Mon health organizations and the Myanmar Ministry of Health. We’ll be diagnosing malaria and providing treatment to more than 165,000 people in 199 villages and 14 high-traffic border crossings. We’ll also provide insecticide treated mosquito nets to help prevent future infection.

Since 1992, ARC has been working closely with people from Myanmar who have fled to Thailand, specifically Karen refugees living in northern Thailand and economic migrants in southern Thailand. We’re excited to continue our work with Myanmarese families, now inside of Myanmar itself. 

*Philippines Update*

ARC continues to assist survivors of Typhoon Haiyan. Our emergency response team reports that the devastation is massive—with 15 to 50 feet of debris piled up in some areas—and new estimates indicate that the storm affected more than 15 million people.  Our team has distributed relief items such as tarps, ropes, mats, mosquito nets, and hygiene kits to 276 families in a village 30 miles south of Tacloban called Rawis.  Shelter is a critical need there, as up to 80 percent of houses had been devastated by the storm.  The ARC team is also helping in neighborhoods in Tacloban. They are focusing on cash-for-work programs, which send teams of residents out with wheelbarrows, shovels, and saws to remove debris.  They are also assisting with removing fallen coconut trees and preparing the fallen timber for milling.  The challenge moving forward is to help people “build back better” so their houses are able to withstand future typhoons.  The team has assisted some 5000 people so far.  Team Leader Graham Eastmond reports, “while there is enormous devastation in the Philippines, it is far from a hopeless case.  The communities are resilient—and are recovering as quickly as they can. They are doing a lot themselves. I witnessed a lot of graciousness and hope.”

Check out a photo album of some of the road repair work our team is organizing:


At the request of readers, I always include these links so they’re easy to find when you need them. Thanks so much.

Become a Monthly Donor:

Donate Online:

Give Us a Call: (800) 875-7060

Send in a gift:

American Refugee Committee
Donor Service Center
P.O. Box 1002
Minneapolis, MN 55480-1002 USA


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