Hello jay, Happy New Year! This is my first update of 2016. Every couple of weeks I like to share what's new with ARC programs around the world. I appreciate your questions and feedback, so please feel free to send them our way! Thank you for your continuing support. -Daniel Daniel Wordsworth, President *********************************************** + Thank You For 2015! + With the support of the ARC community in 2015, we were able to help more than 3 million people in 12 countries around the world. We responded to major emergencies, including the crisis in Syria and the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. And, we continued our work as the primary and reproductive health care provider for millions of people in places like Sudan and South Sudan. On behalf of our more than 1,600 team members worldwide, thank you so much. We couldn't do this without you. Some of our team recorded this thank you video for you: https://youtu.be/eXeDrhEzfxs + Medical Training for Young Afghan Refugees + Our staff in Pakistan were amazed! Thanks to funding from the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, they were able to create a 1-year multi-disciplined medical training program for Afghan refugee youth living in Pakistan. When they put the word out about the program in the newspaper and on FM radio, they were astounded to receive more than 1,000 applications for just 120 available spots.
The program just launched and the students – aged 16-20 – are enthusiastic to change their lives and be able to return home and serve their communities with the new skills they're learning. + 16 Days of Activism + Every year starting on November 25, communities around the world stand up to fight violence against women and girls during the 16 Days of Activism campaign. ARC teams – from Pakistan to South Sudan, Uganda to Thailand, Somalia to Syria – organized dozens of events all with the goal of creating safe spaces for women and girls living in communities that have been affected by disaster. Activities included speech and debate competitions and community conversations and discussions. There were also sporting events, musical celebrations, painting competitions, puppet shows and games – all with the goal of building awareness and inspiring action to prevent violence against women and girls. + 12 Months, 12 Gifts + Each year in January, we see an influx of ARC donors deciding to become sustaining monthly donors. Whether it's a New Year's resolution or a desire to better plan charitable giving for the year, more and more people are opting to give one gift, every month. If you're interested in signing up as an ARC Monthly Sustainer: - You can go online to www.ARCrelief.org/monthlygiving + Engage +
We're sharing photos, video and stories on social media. Join the conversation. Friend us! --- http://www.Facebook.com/arcrelief
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