Hi jay, Here's my first update for 2013 on what’s been happening around the American Refugee Committee. I recently traveled to Darfur, Sudan with a group of incredible people to see our programs there firsthand. We were so impressed by the work of the 350+ person Sudan team! They work in camps and villages throughout South Darfur providing people clean water and critical health care. Checkout photos from my trip below. -Daniel Daniel Wordsworth, President *********************************************** *VIDEO from Congo* ARC continues to respond to the humanitarian crisis in DR Congo, where rebels have called a temporary ceasefire ahead of peace talks. Conditions are dire in Eastern Congo. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes and are living in camps – many of which are informal and don’t have clean water or proper sanitation. This video – shot by ARC’s Graham Eastmond – gives a brief glimpse of one of these informal camps: http://youtu.be/zTh5O3K02NM . *Sudan Envoys* At the end of December, ARC President Daniel Wordsworth led an international delegation from ARC to Sudan. The team met with government representatives, humanitarian officials and ARC’s Sudan staff. The second portion of the trip was spent visiting ARC’s programs in Nyala and Gereida in the Darfur region. In Nyala, they visited Kalma Camp where ARC provides services like health care and clean water. More than 100,000 displaced people live at Kalma. They also visited our health care teams in Gereida – 7 healthy babies were delivered that week at ARC’s reproductive health clinic. ARC’s staff in Sudan are some of the most dedicated and hardworking people you’ll find anywhere. Thanks to their efforts, there are now two trained midwives in every village we work in in South Darfur. Eight years ago there were only a handful in the entire region. The exceptional relationship they have built with Sudan’s Ministry of Health has resulted in considerable improvement of the health care system, saving thousands of lives in the process. Hats off to the Sudan team! See photos from the visit on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151241006762462.459058.18213037461&type=1 *Soccer for Stronger Relationships* ARC’s Rwanda team is building stronger working relationships with local government through recreation and leisure activities. Country Director Frederic Auger says cooperation and collaboration come more easily when a friendly mutual relationship is established between partners. “Knowing your counterparts helps you to develop the capacity to share ideas on how to work, thereby enabling one to achieve the set targets,” Auger told The New Times in an interview. Last week, Auger and his team took on the Mayor of Karongi District and his staff (Karongi is home to Kiziba refugee camp, where ARC works) in a soccer match that was immediately followed by meetings between the two groups. No word on which team was victorious…
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