Friday, July 22, 2016

Inside ARC 7.22.16 - Fighting Malaria in Myanmar, Welcoming New Head of Global Operations

Hello jay,

Thank you so much for being a part of ARC. People like you make our work possible! Here's the latest update on what we're up to.

Thank you so much for your continuing support.  


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ VIDEO: Fighting Malaria in Myanmar +

For many years, Myanmar was a closed country shut off from the rest of the world. As the country evolves, so too does their approach to public health. ARC has been working side by side in a unique partnership with the Myanmar government and local ethnic organizations to carry out a 5-year plan aimed to stop the spread of drug-resistant malaria. 

In close collaboration with The Global Fund, ARC runs community health posts that are strategically placed to reach migrant workers along the Thai-Myanmar border. Operated by highly-skilled ARC staff, these outposts are changing the outlook for migrant workers and the surrounding communities. The number of malaria cases has drastically decreased. This means more kids in school, more migrant workers able to continue work and healthier, more resilient communities overall. Watch this short video to learn more about this life-changing collaboration:

+ Introducing John Griffith, New Head of Global Operations +

ARC is thrilled to announce our new Head of Global Operations, John Griffith. John will lead our 11 country program teams in further strengthening ARC’s value proposition to refugees and donors by ensuring high quality service delivery, increasing efficiency, and upholding ARC’s brand promise. John has joined ARC after over two decades of experience in property development at the executive level of Target and Ryan Construction. Prior to taking the position, John traveled to ARC programs in East Africa to become familiar with ARC programs. “Sitting around a table with really bright, smart people solving complicated problems is what gets me going. It’s what I enjoy most - working on complicated, multiple projects over vast areas of the globe,” John stated. During his time at Target, John has led a geographically dispersed team of over 3,000 employees. With his many years and depth of experience, we are excited to have John on our leadership team.

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Thursday, July 7, 2016

Inside ARC 7.7.16 - Changemakers Competition, Coming Home to Somalia, In-Camp Economies

Hello jay,

Thank you so much for being a part of ARC. People like you make our work possible! Here's the latest update on what we're up to.

Thank you so much for your continuing support.  


Daniel Wordsworth, President


+ Coming Home to Somalia +

“Mixed thoughts of fear and hope crisscrossed my mind,” says Malyun Rashid about her return home to Somalia after nearly 20 years in Dadaab Refugee Camp in Kenya. Malyun is among others who find themselves taking the step to return home after years living as a refugee in one of the world’s largest refugee camps. ARC is there alongside them to help ease the journey, providing paid skills training in the camp that link to livelihood opportunities upon their return to Kismayo. Malyun took part in a three month training where she learned how to make fishing nets and received a stipend which she saved for her move.

“When I returned from Ifo camp-Dadaab I was really skeptical of the future but now with God’s grace and the help from ARC I see light at the end of the tunnel,” said Malyun.

Home from Dadaab.png
Malyun Rashid returns home to Somalia with the help of ARC

+ Launch of the 2016 Changemakers Competition +

It's that time of year again! We have launched our fourth annual Changemakers Award Competition. It's an ideas competition with our staff around the world. We ask one simple question and provide the platform for their ideas to pour in. 

In one simple way, how can I make the people I serve feel more valued, joyful or powerful?

Each year, we've seen the competition grow. Last year over 500 ideas were submitted! We can't wait to see the momentum continue and share these amazing ideas with you! Stay tuned over the next months as we narrow it down to the Top Ten finalists and finally announce the 2016 Changemaker Award Winner in mid-September.  

+ ARC Rwanda Boosts In-Camp Economies +

ARC has worked in Rwanda for more than 20 years helping communities that have lost everything rebuild resilience. So many are unable to return home and thus, creating a vibrant in-camp economy is a critical step in moving forward. ARC Rwanda’s livelihood programs are built to do just that. We offer access to grants, microloans, financial literacy coaching, small business management and co-operative saving and loan associations. 

“We can really see how our approach is transforming the in-camp economy and the state of entrepreneurship and business among the refugees. More businesses pop up and our continuous support systems of coaching, guiding and training push people towards more and more self-reliance,” said Esperance Uwimana, ARC’s Technical Advisor on Livelihoods. 

In Nyabiheke camp, the economic boost can be seen as you walk down the busiest street. Cooperatives and small shops line the street. The Abadacogora basket weaving cooperative sells to customers both inside and outside the camp. With support from ARC, the members of this cooperative plan to apply for a loan allowing them to increase production and fill the increasing demand for their popular products. 

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